Outward Biblical Counseling

We help real people with real problems discover the life-transforming power of Jesus.

The Bible brings hope and direction to your life.

Our goal in this counseling ministry is to make the Gospel paramount by connecting people to the life-transforming power of Jesus Christ. We are confident that through the Scriptures and the power of His Spirit, God has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3-4). It is our joy to help real people, with real problems, using the Bible.

Our commitment as a church is to offer counseling services to both church members and our friends in the local community. Your counseling will be biblical, pastoral counseling in which the Scriptures are held as the final authority in all matters. If you are not sure that you are interested in biblical counseling, you will have the option of attending one or two sessions to discover how biblical counseling may help you.

Apply for counseling.

The first step in the counseling process is to complete the intake form below. We have designed this to allow the counseling process to start smoothly and help us connect you with the resources that best fit your needs. This counseling form is designed to (1) help us to get to know you in a comprehensive, holistic, and efficient manner and (2) help you organize your thoughts about your counseling objectives. Please allow 30 minutes to complete this form.

Biblical Counseling FAQ

Here are some questions you may have about Outward Biblical Counseling.

What is "Biblical Counseling?"

We believe that the Bible speaks to all of life and to all of its problems, but it also takes careful thought and prayerful wisdom to know how to make those connections. Your counselor is a Christian especially experienced in applying the truth of the Bible to life.

Your counseling will be biblical, pastoral counseling in which the Scriptures are held as the final authority in all matters.

Most importantly, we believe that the Bible ultimately points us to a Person - the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that real change comes when people learn to see themselves and their problems in the context of a loving, vital relationship with Christ.

Who will my counselor be?

Based on your intake form, you will be matched with one of our biblical counselors. Our counseling team consists of pastors, lay counselors, and trainees under the direction of the church elders who provide guidance and oversight. The staff of Outward Church will supervise any trainees and lay volunteers.

A biblical counselor trainee may be present in any counseling session for training and observation.

When necessary, we will work with your physician or other professionals to ensure you receive the appropriate medical care in conjunction with the counseling services you receive.

What is the cost?

We do not charge for the counseling services offered through Outward Biblical Counseling; however, there is a one-time $15 fee requested to cover all resource materials and provide training to our biblical counselors.

If you'd like to make a donation to Outward Church above and beyond the $15 fee, you can find ways to give here.

I don't attend Outward Church. Can I get counseling?

Yes. Outward Biblical Counseling is offered as a ministry to those within and outside of Outward Church.